A very quick one..
I had this error earlier in the day, whereby I cant seem to use the mouse/touchpad for anything on Word 2007; it just wouldnt accept any input from the device. What that means it I was only able to use the keyboard for everything I was doing. A blank document also opens when I try to open any word document on my computer and Word crashes when closed.
While I manage to just do the very urgent things I needed to do, it was not exactly easy, and very very annoying. I manage to get a fix to it (thanks to google) just when I got fed-up with the issue. I quite figure its a registry error, was able to pin it down to this key eventually:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Soft ware\Micro soft\Offic e\12.0\Wor d
Deleting that Word data key, by going to the registry (type regedit and enter from the command prompt; with administrative previlege if on Vista/Windows7) and navigating to the above key, right clicking and deleting fixed the issue.
Here is the microsoft article that supports that: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822005/en-us
My 2cents. Have a great weekend. And I really hope I get to blog more (mean..blogging my problems and fixes alone is enough!).

I had this error earlier in the day, whereby I cant seem to use the mouse/touchpad for anything on Word 2007; it just wouldnt accept any input from the device. What that means it I was only able to use the keyboard for everything I was doing. A blank document also opens when I try to open any word document on my computer and Word crashes when closed.
While I manage to just do the very urgent things I needed to do, it was not exactly easy, and very very annoying. I manage to get a fix to it (thanks to google) just when I got fed-up with the issue. I quite figure its a registry error, was able to pin it down to this key eventually:
Deleting that Word data key, by going to the registry (type regedit and enter from the command prompt; with administrative previlege if on Vista/Windows7) and navigating to the above key, right clicking and deleting fixed the issue.
Here is the microsoft article that supports that: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822005/en-us
My 2cents. Have a great weekend. And I really hope I get to blog more (mean..blogging my problems and fixes alone is enough!).